
Vetoes and budget amendments could negatively impact our students

Most Virginia families want the same thing for their children: highly qualified instructors in each classroom, safe and nurturing environments to learn in, and robust support services. That’s the common ground agenda that families and educators agree on. Governor Youngkin’s…

Statement on the Conference Budget

Thanks to the remarkable efforts by school funding advocates this legislative session, the General Assembly is on track to pass a strong pro-education budget tomorrow!  Yesterday the General Assembly’s budget negotiators released the “conference budget”, which includes many investments in…

 2024 Lobby Day and Rally for School Funding!

On Monday, February 19, we held our first ever Fund Our Schools lobby day at the state capitol. Over 100 participants joined us to visit dozens of legislators and urge them to support fully and fairly funding our public schools.…

Our statement on the House and Senate proposed budgets

Strong, well-supported public schools are vital to ensuring that every child in every zip code is able to pursue their educational and career ambitions. The House and Senate budget proposals that were released today make strides in better supporting Virginia’s…